For many years I have been working in community development in various countries and realised that although there were networks for women in business, there is not much specifically focused around women who want to impact both on society and the environment. In our network, although women’s issues are very important, we have decided to...Read More
In her bestselling book Women Who Love Too Much, therapist Robin Norwood writes for those of us who equate being in love with being in pain and who are looking for a way to break a cycle of destructive relationships with inappropriate men. It’s occurred to me, however, that many of us could fall into...Read More
Men and women are different and businesses need to market to them differently… Question: Are women different from men? Answer: Yes. Do they behave differently when they are buying? Yes. And if they are different, shouldn’t we be marketing to them in a different way? Yes. Enough of this equality and sexism nonsense, women are...Read More
We are constantly adding Women centric, Social, Personal development, professional development and Networking events, to our calendar from around London, The City and UK. We believe we are able to be the one stop shop for essential events for you, so let us know of any up and coming events you would like to see...Read More
By Christine Brown-Quinn This book is a swift, easy, and engaging read for any woman who is currently managing a family and a career, and any woman who is considering doing so. As an industry “go-to” person for women solopreneurs and women who work from home who feel overwhelmed in the workplace and want to...Read More
Out this month, the Davies Review looks at the lack of women in our boardrooms, assessing a huge wealth of ideas to nurture women in business and widen the talent pool for upper management. It’s not about paying lip service to gender equality, despite women’s growing consumer power, the Davies Review states that nearly half...Read More