
Gender Topics

Gender Differences in body language

Not all body language is universal. There are differences in the way that men and women communicate. Body language is often confused between genders. In order to prevent miscommunications, it is important to understand the signals that are common to most people as well as the different signals that men and women communicate with their...
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Highest Paying Jobs for Today’s Career Women

In the last few years, more women are entering into successful, challenging, high-paying careers in the UK. Here are four of the top paying jobs for today’s career women: Chief Executive Officers This was ranked as the highest paying job in the UK by both The Guardian and The Telegraph. A growing number of women...
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The 30% Club Partners with London Business School to encourage Female Executive Development

LBS to offer Senior Executive Programme scholarship worth £30k The 30% Club has teamed up with London Business School (LBS) to launch a full scholarship aimed at women in leadership positions with C-Suite potential. This scholarship is part of a growing 30% Club initiative to increase the progression of women to senior executive positions by...
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Breaking the cultural glass ceiling

It’s difficult to make it in the city. It’s doubly difficult to be a British Pakistani trying to make it in the city. Whilst racial discrimination and differences in educational qualifications may have a part to play in this, they certainly aren’t the only culprits. Cultural differences, and the difficulties faced by members of ethnic...
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Play the Rules of Success, Not Gender

I was incredibly proud to be chosen as one of the inaugural Retail Ambassadors at the 2013 Specsavers everywoman in the Retail Ambassador programme. I was especially thrilled I got a chance to speak to a true retail role model – Nicky Dulieu. In my first week a male colleague announced in a very loud...
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Networking – the differences between men and women By Andy Lopata

In December 2013 a new study found fundamental differences in the ways that neurological pathways are connected in men’s and women’s brains. The scientists behind the study believe that this explains why men and women demonstrate different aptitudes and abilities.  The study suggests that men are better at motor skills, such as reading maps for...
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Calling all Women in IT – Equal Pay Survey

Intellect’s annual Equal Pay Survey looks to understand peoples perceptions around equality of pay in their organisation, their industry and most importantly for them. In its 6th year we are looking to understand how the recession impacted women’s pay and whether this has changed since the UK moved into recovery. We are keen to hear...
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Are women ready for media challenge?

Increasing the gender balance in the boardroom is now a well established best practice in most serious companies. There has been widespread lobbying from government and from representative groups which has focused not just on fairness but also on the wealth of untapped experience not being brought to the board table. Smart companies see it....
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What if women ruled the World?

Subtle sexism? A business man once told me (seriously) that I should “dress sexier” because “if a man doesn’t want to have sex with you, then he probably isn’t listening to you”. He genuinely believed he was giving me sound advice. Previously, a female partner at a city law firm, suggested that I didn’t “join...
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More proof that women board members bring better performance and higher share price

The team at Non Exec Hub have long championed gender equality at board level. One of our frustrations has been enduring the so-called ‘fluffiness’ of the argument: the apparent immeasurability of greater business performance that a more balanced representation would bring. Last year saw something of a change in that, through the publishing of two...
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