
Public Speaking Tips

Handling questions and answers in your professional speaking career

Handling questions in your presentation can be a scary time for professional speakers. The fear that someone will ask a question that they can’t answer makes this sections one of the most dreaded sections of the speech. This fear is so real that presenters will often cut this area short or avoid it all together...
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Get rid of distracting body movements

Your body movement during your presentation has the ability to strengthen the impact of your message or it can seriously be a distraction. One of your goals as a speaker is to look so natural with your movements and with what you say that no one even notices that you are using intonation and inflection...
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Public speaking: Easy ways to remember your material

One of the most common reasons people fear public speaking is that they blank out and forget their entire speech. You can practice and practice and practice and when the moment comes that you need to remember your presentation, everything goes blank! There are ways that you can fool proof your message so that the...
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Create your professional speaking portfolio

All professional speakers will need a promotional kit in order to market themselves effectively and obtain more and higher paying jobs. Speakers fail to achieve the desired incomes because they fail to properly market their skills and talents. No more failure! Reach the income you’ve heard and dreamt about by using a promotional kit! Speaker...
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innovative thinking

Achieving success in professional speaking

The real success of every presentation is leaving your audience with something of value. What do they get out of spending time in your presentation? Many people believe that they need natural brilliance in speaking well and presenting well. The believe that they need to be polished, smart, witty and charming all before they actually...
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A professional speaker sets the tone for the message

As a professional speaker, everything you do the minute you walk into the room sets the tone for your message. Without even speaking one word, you can determine just how many people you will reach because their engagement to your message depends on you; not on them. You can have a great topic to speak...
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10 tips for professional speakers

Put your best foot forward every time! One of the reasons that many people fear taking the podium is because they are afraid of being the focal point of everyone’s attention and they don’t want to make a fool of themselves. There are several things you can do to “fool-proof” your speaking event so that...
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Be curious and be a successful communicator

There are many ways to improve the way you communicate. For example, you will always start things off on the right foot by opening the conversation in a way that creates mutual respect. Using phrases such as, “If you have a minute, I’d like to talk with you about something that I think will improve...
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Careers club people

Public speaking masterclass | Event in pictures

On 20 September, Careers Club members and guests came together at MOO for our third Careers Club event of 2016. The evening, attended by 60 women consisted of speed networking as well as an in-depth session with Deon Newbronner, Speaker and International Public Speaking Coach on crushing your fear of public speaking. We would like...
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Handling Fears before Public Speaking

By Simon North, Founder of Position Ignition and the Career Ignition Club Some of us have very deep-rooted fears and anxieties when it comes to public speaking, especially if it’s not one of our natural talents and we have to work hard at developing the skill. Even if public speaking comes naturally to us, we...
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