
Public Speaking Tips

Does Public Speaking Make Your Palms Sweat?

Learn How to Speak Publicly Without Fear. You hear those familiar dreaded words from your boss “I need you to give a presentation on…” and all of a sudden you feel that familiar tingling rise up from the pit of your stomach, your palms start to sweat and your heart starts to pound. Well don’t...
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Stage fright: are we too ashamed to talk about it?

Imagine this scenario: one of the world’s finest symphony orchestras is preparing to go on stage, at, let’s say London’s Barbican Centre. Musicians are tuning up, putting resin on their bows and warming up their instruments. It seems totally normal and you would almost think that everyone was so professional and so used to giving...
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And Death came Third

By Andy Lopata & Peter Roper Do you dread going to networking events? Do you hide at the back of the room when you have the opportunity to present? In 1984 a New York Times Survey on Social Anxiety placed death third in the list of people’s biggest fears. The top two responses were walking...
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