
Careers Articles

Leadership and teamwork

Strong, positive teamwork is defined by a leader who has a vision and the ability to inspire his or her team to work toward the realisation of that vision. The leader is not threatened in the least by the expertise and diversity of his or her team. Rather, a good team leader engages his or...
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In leadership, the eight ways of right action

The ancient Greeks had a saying: “When Aschines speaks, the people say, ‘How well he speaks,’ but when Demosthenes speaks, the people say, ‘Let’s march against Philip!'” To get the best results as a leader, the people you lead should be saying in one way or the other after you speak, “Let’s march!” When you...
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In leadership, good enough is pretty bad

The first time I meet a leader to decide if we should work together, I invariably ask one question. The answer to that question gives me an idea of whether we’ll have a productive relationship. The answer also tells me how the career of that leader might turn out. I ask, “Are you satisfied with...
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A leader should be willing to take responsibilities

Who would forget the ever-famous line of Peter Parker’s grandfather, ‘With great power comes great responsibility’. The society expects Spiderman, a comic book, TV, and movie superhero, to be responsible for saving his town, or even the world, in some instances, from evil because he has super powers. From all the episodes he appeared in,...
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How to encourage intrapreneurship

There are likely many silent heroes within your organisation, one’s you haven’t yet met and who don’t occupy the corner office. These are the self-starters, the risk-takers and the ones who take responsibility for turning an idea into profit. These are ‘intrapreneurs’ – individuals who demonstrate many of the traits of the more well-known entrepreneurs...
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Four tips for launching a business on a budget

Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or just starting out, launching a business on a budget can feel overwhelming. With money flying out the door and not much coming in, it’s easy to lose track of your spending. The good news is that budgeting is just like any other business skill that can be mastered. So...
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9 Ways to stop career stagnation

Reflect Analyse where you’re at with your career and how you feel about it. If you find yourself thinking, “Why am I here, doing what I’m doing when this clearly doesn’t suit me? My relationship with this job is purely a means to an end. This is not what I thought I wanted for my...
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9 Ways to find your career dream

Sometimes your dream is with you in the present. Sometimes you look back and see your dream in the past, something you felt you lost. But how can you discover what your dream for the future is? Follow these tips to find out. Identify Your Passions Think about what interests, hobbies, causes and subjects you’re...
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How to plan for the business life of your dreams

Did you know that how you feel about money will have a positive or negative affect on your business success? Growing up did money come easily to you or do you have to work hard for it all the time? Were you given pocket money as a child whilst your friends did a paper round...
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Make Your Holiday a New Career Destination

Do you ever dream of heading off on holiday and never coming back? Life can easily slip away one day at a time … so your summer break is an ideal time to take stock of where you are and how far … or how little … you have travelled since this time last year....
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