Are you struggling with productivity

5 Tips to Increase Productivity In Your Business

1. PLAN: Make a list the night before of the 3 things you would be unhappy or frustrated about if you did not complete by the end of the next day.  Make sure you write this list before you switch on your gadgets in the morning.  The inbox and social media are a deadly place to go if you have no plan for the day.  Remember, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”  Ask yourself – What do I want to achieve by the end of today day?

2. Make a commitment to check your emails and visit social media no more than twice during your working day, if you can.  (Only loiter in your inbox, if you work in sales/marketing or customer services!).  Once in the morning only after you have completed your daily plan and once again in the afternoon, is sufficient.  At the end of your working day, when you have achieved your list of 3, you can visit your inbox and catch up on social media ad infinitum knowing that you have achieved your goals for the day.

3. Start on the challenging tasks first – Do not procrastinate these!  In his book “Eat that Frog” Brian Tracy affirms that Procrastination can steal your happiness, health and ultimately your life.  It is easy to dither when starting on task that we do not feel happy doing, but these challenging tasks are best done earlier on in the day, when we are most alert.  Performing these tasks also gives us an immense sense of achievement, adding momentum to other tasks.  You can do the easier tasks later or even delegate them.  Tasks that can be completed by someone else at less than your hourly rate should really be passed on, where possible.  Remember, “The things that matter most must never be at the mercy of the things that matter least.” Goethe

4. “Perfection is the enemy of action.” It also ensures that your dreams do not make it to reality!  Your first attempt will more than likely not be perfect.  So now you know that, you can chill and just do your best.  Whatever, you produce can be improved upon, but if you don’t produce anything?  How can you improve?  As Nike says, Just do it!  Do not wait for inspiration; you just need to get started NOW!

5. Finally, try to arrange your meetings on particular days of the week.  This frees you up to work on your business on the other days.  I personally prefer to have my meetings on Thursdays and Fridays. These tips are also good ways of introducing some structure into your business so your future PA/Assistant will understand how you work.

“Simplicity boils down to two steps: Identify the essential.  Eliminate the rest.”   Leo Babauta

Author Bio

Mo Obadina is a Business Growth Expert with over 15 years experience of transforming businesses through coaching and training. She is passionate about supporting and developing women in business by helping them to get their MOJO back.

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