Social Media Management

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Social media is an important tool on a personal and professional level.

You may be responsible for managing the company’s social media, but you will definitely have to manage your own. No matter the platforms you use, you must be careful to present a professional persona. Once you join a platform, choose the necessary security, and follow pages and people that interest you. Now you are ready to develop relationships.

How to develop professional relationships:

  • Post links about your job
  • Create compelling status updates
  • Link company blogs
  • Link pictures and videos
  • Praise others
  • Celebrate all success

Use social media carefully. People have lost their jobs because of questionable postings. If you wonder whether or not something is appropriate, err on the side of caution.

To find out more about using social media to your advantage, read our articles below:

How to get the most out of LinkedIn

How Instagram and social media can help your next London event

7 tips to get started on Twitter

Don’t be a Twit on Twitter | Tips for a better Tweet life
