Recognise the tricks

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People train and write articles about tricks they used to get past gatekeepers.

Sales calls and other interruptions will not always be obvious; people will try to trick you. You must familiarise yourself with common tricks so that you can recognise them.

Click the tabs below to discover some of the common tricks used. However, there are many more tricks besides the ones listed. Research additional tricks and share stories with other assistants.

Trick 1
Trick 2
Trick 3
Trick 4
Trick 5

They will use the manager’s first name and give the impression that they are friends.

They will not volunteer information about why they call, hoping you will let them through.

They will be assumptive and not ask to be transferred to the manager.

They will say that they have important news that affects the manager.

They will use your first name and try to befriend you with multiple phone calls.