
Progressing your career

7 Steps to Break into the Management Consulting Industry

Many want to break into the management consulting industry as it is known to be a lucrative and prestigious field. However, the competition for aspiring consultants is quite steep. In order for you to be ready to plunge into this highly rewarding profession, you need to take the following steps: 1.       Assess your qualifications Consulting...
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Don’t wait to be perfect

Have you ever been in the position when you have seen the perfect job only to be put off applying after reading the requirements for the role? Research informs us that when looking for new job opportunities women will only generally apply if they match at least 80% of the job requirements whereas men will...
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Top Ten Tips for Doing Business Overseas

Before you leave research any country you might be visiting. Get a small notebook to write down essential information. Try to also learn to speak a few words such as Hello, Yes, No, Please, Thank you and Where is? Work out your itinerary carefully leaving enough time in each destination. Check the weather forecast for...
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3 Important steps towards your success as a business owner | career transition coach, Natalie Ekberg

Recently, one of my clients who has gone from being an employee to being self-employed asked me, “Do you know anybody who can help me?  I can’t do this by myself!” Her question came in spite of her already having a coach and friends who were volunteering to help with the business essentials (web, accounting,...
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3 Important steps towards your success as a business owner | career transition coach, Natalie Ekberg

Recently, one of my clients who has gone from being an employee to being self-employed asked me, “Do you know anybody who can help me?  I can’t do this by myself!” Her question came in spite of her already having a coach and friends who were volunteering to help with the business essentials (web, accounting,...
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How to overcome fear when considering changing your career | Natalie Ekberg

The emotion that comes across the strongest when my clients start considering a change in their career is fear. Obviously, any change is unsettling and it is only natural to be fearful. The part I don’t quite understand is the following. How can fear of the unknown be bigger than the frustration and exasperation experienced...
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Are You Ready to be Your Own Boss? (5 Things to be aware of before going solo)

Guest post by Simon North, Founder of Position Ignition, the UK’s leading career development and career learning company and the Career Ignition Club. If you jack in your job to set up your own business, it should be because self-employment is genuinely right for you, not because you’re running away from something. Explore your motives...
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10 Ways to Make the Most of Your Corporate Career

By Simon North, Founder of Position Ignition and the Career Ignition Club. Quite often we don’t appreciate the value of a corporate career until we’ve left it. So what can we do to make the most of it in the here and now? 1.      Know your brand Corporates enjoy a brand value for a reason....
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10 Ways to change careers within Your Organization

When we think about changing careers we quite often look outside of our current employer. Underneath our very noses is a chance to make a career change with less risk but it doesn’t always occur to us to do so, so here are some ideas on how we can make that change within our own...
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10 Steps to Fully Recognizing Your Potential

Guest post by Simon North, Founder of Position Ignition, the UK’s leading career development and career learning company and the Career Ignition Club. How do we know when we’ve got potential? At what point in our life has somebody indicated to us that we have something latent within us that is powerful and influential and...
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