
Presenting skills

Handling Questions and Answers in Your Professional Speaking Career

Handling questions in your presentation can be a scary time for professional speakers. The fear that someone will ask a question that they can’t answer makes this sections one of the most dreaded sections of the speech. This fear is so real that presenters will often cut this area short or avoid it all together...
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What makes a great professional speaker?

People think that you have to have all this skill and talent to become a professional speaker, however, there are other important factors that determine your success. Technically, you can say and do all the right things. You can have the right information and present it in an organized format, but your true success will...
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What does the first year of professional speaking look like?

Unless you’re already a celebrity, you’ll have to work through building your professional speaking career from the ground up. This does mean work, but if the topics you plan to be speaking on are your passion, this will not be a chore to do! Also, depending upon how fast you are able to build connections...
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Using props in your professional speaking presentation

People learn and retain information in different ways. As a professional speaker, you must also learn to incorporate as many different ways of engaging your audience in order to reach as many people as possible. In fact, you have an obligation to use anything and everything it takes so that more people can relate your...
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Business Plan

Successful transitions for your presentation

Having a smoothly flowing presentation relies on having successful transitions as you proceed from point to point. Even your transitions do need some level of planning. As your audience processes the information you present in their minds, jerky transitions become hard to follow and comprehend. You could potentially lose your audience in a transition without...
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Professional speakers polish their message

One key to delivering a successful message is polishing the message you already have. You will find that your audience can better understand what you have to say when you message targets specific key points rather than vague generalities. Since your audience is looking for information that will benefit them, they will need the specifics...
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Practice makes perfect!

Professional speakers rehearse their material. Killer presentations don’t just fall out of the sky! They’re worked on and fine tuned and honed to perfection right up until the time that they are delivered into the hands of audience members. As a result, presentations like these are effective at reaching many people! Rehearsing your presentation is...
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Organising your professional speaking presentation

You may have just been asked to make a presentation by your boss or maybe, you’re starting on a new professional speaking career. Whatever the case may be, starting your presentation means you’ll have a ton of details to organize into a relatable format for your audience. Here are some tips on how to do...
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Audience at the Careers Club event

How to deal with a negative audience in professional speaking

At one time or another, you will have to deal with a negative audience member or group. How do should you handle that kind of situation and still keep a professional appearance? The first goal to keep in mind is that you have a message to communicate and that is your job! Your goal is...
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How free professional speaking gigs help you

One of the primary reasons people get into this business is because they want to earn some serious cash. With dreams of stardom and hopes of owning the Mercedes and the million dollar home, they set off in pursuit of getting highly paid gigs only to get knocked down by rejection after rejection. After doing...
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