
Management Skills Learning

Leadership skills: Developing positive relationships

Maintaining High Standards Of Personal Behaviour, by: maintaining high standards of personal beliefs; behaving with integrity and fairness; behaving ethically; showing respect and sensitivity for the views of others; ensuring that all relevant people are kept informed of plans, decisions, and progress; pro-actively seeking positive relationships; accepting criticism and feedback positively. The rationale is that...
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Leadership skills: Delegating responsibility

Support Strategic Objectives, by: identifying roles and responsibilities necessary to support strategic objectives; defining roles, responsibilities, and degrees of authority, needed by individuals and teams; designing policies and procedures for the management of delegated activities. The purpose of this is to review the distribution of roles and responsibilities at the senior level. The aim of...
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Leadership and team management

Establishing An Appropriate Organisational Structure, by: considering the strategic direction and objectives of the organisation; considering the desired organisational culture; identifying the critical activity areas of the organisation; deciding on an appropriate organisational structure. This is an essential first step. Before any changes or new directions can be taken the leaders must decide on an...
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Leadership: Is mentoring for you?

If you are considering mentoring a younger person, here are some things to think about. Make sure that mentoring is for you. Most effective mentors truly, deeply enjoy helping younger people grow and develop. Make sure you’re likely to enjoy the process before you take it on. Make sure you have the time and flexibility....
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10 tips for professional speakers

Put your best foot forward every time! One of the reasons that many people fear taking the podium is because they are afraid of being the focal point of everyone’s attention and they don’t want to make a fool of themselves. There are several things you can do to “fool-proof” your speaking event so that...
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A manager’s pitfalls

Managing other people has ample rewards when you are able to see how your team is benefiting and growing under your expert governance, but it is just as easy to get it wrong if you do not pay attention to the following managerial pitfalls. Failure to lead by example As a manager, you are also...
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Managing others: How to build team spirit

Without a team spirit, organisations can suffer. No matter how well-organised and planned a venture may be, without the commitment of the team behind it, the objectives will not be as effectively or as quickly met. Building team spirit is about engaging the emotions of the team members. It is more than a cerebral idea...
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Managing others: How to build trust and confidence

As in any personal relationship, lack of trust and confidence in a commercial enterprise can lead to a lack of commitment to the cause, and this can lead to underperforming and failed objectives. There are two issues to deal with concerning trust and confidence: 1. Trust in the organisation Trust in the higher objectives of...
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Firing someone: Does it have to be painful, for them and you?

Ever had to fire someone? How did it go? Chances are, that if you are a manager you will have to fire someone during your career. Some employers never give the courtesy of a face to face discussion. Many managers, when faced with the challenge of firing someone, forget, or are unaware of the emotions...
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20 tips for new line managers

Are you new to a line management role? Just been promoted and want to prove your worth? Being a manager can be a daunting task and even more so if you’re new to the role. Your employees are your most important asset, so whether you manage five people or 55, you’ll need to establish a...
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