
Careers Articles

3 tools to help you create amazing images for your social media accounts

It’s said that a picture paints a thousand words. In the over saturated content streams of your social media feeds it is the easiest tactic that you can use to cut through the noise and actually get yourself and your business noticed. Producing professional-looking images that look great online used to be difficult, but not...
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two woman co-workers cheering in the office

Enthusiasm Will Win You That Job!

“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” What is enthusiasm? Enthusiasm is contagious. It’s about getting excited and showing you are passionate. Enthusiasm is one of those things that you know when you see it and other people know when you have it. During an interview enthusiasm comes through in...
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Persistence is a key factor of success

According to Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, one of the key factors that is vital for anyone to achieve their goals, is persistence. It is easy to be motivated and get things done when you are excited, however when faced with an obstacle or challenge, that same excitement can quickly fade. When...
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Whilst firms like Credit Suisse are offering returnships for women wanting to return to work and organisations are campaigning  for increased representation for women working at board level (30% Club), other firms are responding to a different challenge. One of the main barriers is the culture of presenteeism that pervades the City – working long...
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Develop Your Brand in 6 Powerful steps!

Whether you are running a business from the kitchen table, garage, spare room or suite of offices there is no getting away from branding. Brands are not just for the global giants. Surprisingly, brands have become embedded in our culture and represent more than just the product or service.  Branding is emotional, it’s psychological and...
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Smashing the glass ceiling in the finance sector

In the world of finance, brokering, taxes and cold hard cash, it’s difficult not to be overwhelmed by what appears to be a predominantly male world. Indeed, even in popular culture, films such as Wall Street and The Wolf of Wall Street portray banking and, in particular, brokering as exclusively muscular affairs with nary a...
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New research – More women applying for jobs in financial & professional services sector than men

More women reading right subjects at right universities increases talent pool Diversity campaigns across financial services and professional services make careers more attractive Women also offered more jobs than before credit crunch due to more through hiring process – but recruiter warns against return to bad habits as market reheats The size of the female...
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3 Effective Ways to Rediscover Your Purpose

For many women feeling dissatisfied in their career, the only thing they look forward to (other than the weekend) is those few weeks they get away from the office on annual leave. However, this time can be bittersweet. Whilst you’re away from the office, you feel a sense of freedom and relief. If you’re lucky...
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Lead, before you are a leader – Part II

Developing your leadership skills In Part I, we looked at a recent study that showed that women demonstrate more leadership ability as they mature and what you can do now to ‘lead, before you are a leader’. Let’s look now at how you can continue to develop your leadership skills and ask ourselves if more...
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Why every inspirational woman should enter the NatWest everywoman awards

I graduated from University just as the recession hit. This meant the job I’d secured working in Marketing was made redundant before I could even get my feet under the table. My business partner Adam was also made redundant at the same time. The NatWest everywoman awards are about empowering and inspiring to give women...
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