
2 minutes

Five keys to unlock the waitlist lock

Being wait-listed is tough, and you need the right set of keys to open the door to your dream program. The truth is that even with these keys, it’s still not guaranteed that the lock will work. But this keychain has the critical pieces of metal you’ll need to turn that lock. First, a word...
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How to handle difficult interview questions

You are in the middle of an important interview and are confident that you are doing an excellent job of presenting your skills and qualifications for the position.  The interviewer asks the next question – and it’s a difficult one.  You start to sweat as your illustrious visions of landing your dream job are rapidly...
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office politics

Conflicts in the office: Tips for getting along with your colleagues

Life would be pleasant for in the office if you know how to get along with others.but if you’re the type who don’t make friends easily. its not too late to sharpen your office skills. Ever since I joined the company two years ago. I noticed that I wasn’t really that welcome in the department,...
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20 tips for new line managers

Are you new to a line management role? Just been promoted and want to prove your worth? Being a manager can be a daunting task and even more so if you’re new to the role. Your employees are your most important asset, so whether you manage five people or 55, you’ll need to establish a...
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20 listening tips

If there is one communication skill that is vitally important to learn, it’s listening – not just for the benefit of your work life but also for your personal life too. Listening gives us the ability to interpret and receive instructions and to think empathetically and sympathetically. We’ve put together 20 tips, so that you...
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women office

20 Report Writing Tips

Report writing can be a daunting prospect but one that many of us face on a daily basis. From formal reports to informal emails, many of us each day have to write intelligently. To help we’ve put together a comprehensive walk-through of tips to get you focused and make it easier to complete those all...
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Who me? The psychology of imposter syndrome

Author of Mothers Work! (Hay House, 2011) and founder of the Talent Keeper Specialists (, Jessica Chivers shares the science of imposter syndrome and four practical ways to step over it. The average senior professional woman experiences 19 episodes of imposter syndrome in the first two years following a promotion and 4.2 per year in...
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