Top 10 tips for creating a better work environment
Creating a good environment goes a long way in making certain the company achieves its goals. In addition, the employees as well as team leaders are also able to fulfill their personal goals and desires. The following are some ways of creating a good and conducive work environment:
1. Encourage Open Communication
Removing communication barriers allows employees to communicate directly and more openly. It also encourages them to support each other and work for the common good of the company.
2. Remove Cliques
Groups, factions or cliques create barriers in the work place. Employees from one clique will tend to keep it to themselves. This erodes the goal of meaningful interaction.
3. Show Appreciation
No matter how busy you are it is always good to show appreciation for any good deed. It can be as simple as telling your employees thank you for just staying at work for an extra 30 minutes.
4. Develop a Culture of Trust
Employees will work better if they feel trusted and appreciated. This can be shown by delegating a task to an employee, or agreeing to go with his idea on a particular matter.
5. Give Everyone a Chance
As a team leader or manager, it is important to listen to all your employees regardless of their work or social status. Listening to your employee boasts his morale and productivity.
6. Get to Know Your Employees
A simple “hello” as you enter the lift , or finding how their weekend was makes employees feel valuable to the company. You can also invite them for a drink after work.
7. Meaningful Dialogue
Whether you are at a formal or informal setting it is vital to engage in conversations that add value to the company or employee. An employee feels more appreciated if the conversation focuses around his career or life ambition.
8. Have a positive Attitude
Attitude is infectious. People around you will take-up your attitude and vice versa. Having a positive attitude no matter the situation goes along way in creating a positive work environment.
9. Use Incentives
As human beings, we love being gifted. Offering your employees bonuses or salary increment when it’s due greatly improves the work environment. You should also remind them that good performance is always rewarded.
10. Embrace an Open Door Policy
Whether you are a CEO, a director or team leader, you should always create an open door policy. Any employee should feel comfortable to just walk in your office and talk about anything.