Being the charismatic leader behind the Apple conglomerate can be described as perhaps one of the most dauntingly irreplaceable position ever. The man and the mind were both unfathomable and complex.
However all would agree that Steve Jobs was a committed and driven individual who only sought to seek the best always and expected the same from those around him.
Among other things Steve Jobs was also known for his super individualistic style, anti political stand, while being mostly a libertarian at heart, he would take any opportunity to discredit any and all economic doctrines whenever possible if it did not conform to his unique thought processes. This of course either rightly or wrongly perceived him to be constantly against a society where conformist behavior patterns are the order of the day.
In order to be successful at anything one must have the ingredient of passion in the mix. Without this very vital ingredient many projects or endeavors have run aground at the very first hint of trouble. However for some this passion may seem apparent and even evident but it should not as is often done be mistaken for enthusiasm.
Communication is an effective and necessary tool to employ when trying to carry out any endeavor or project successfully. However the effectiveness of the communication plays a very important role towards the smoothness and achievable standards of any endeavor.
The importance of effective communication should never be underestimated not disregarded if complete success is to be achieved.
Getting people comfortable is another important element that should be practiced if one intends to get the best results out of anyone. When an individual is comfortable and confident, then the likelihood of that individual breaking all “records” in the quest to do and produce their best is very definite.