Five Easy Steps for the Leader & the Individual

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One can practice behaviors and steps to become more resilient.

Below are some steps leaders and individuals can take to foster resilience:

Develop a more positive world view and self-concept

  • Notice what you say to yourself in an unfamiliar situation
  • Find specific opportunities during challenges you face
  • Practice turning minuses into pluses
  • Take a time out during a period of frustration
  • Look for a positive person to serve as your coach

Maintain a focused sense of purpose for long-term goals and priorities

  • Explore your value system and identify your personal sense of direction on which you can rely to make choices
  • Set new priorities when faced with the disruption of change

Use flexible thinking to explore multiple approaches for addressing uncertainty

  • Switch sides when discussing a topic about which you feel strongly
  • Rather than assuming your first answer is the solution, suspend judgment if you are in the middle of a change
  • List three positives and three negatives about a new idea or concept
  • Be willing to work in an unfamiliar role to learn a different point of view
  • Identify a person who is a strong flexible thinker, and ask for some coaching

Use organised, structured approaches when managing ambiguity

  • Learn to quickly sort information and find patterns in new situations
  • Use a planner or planning software to keep to-do lists, track plans, commitments, and next steps for each change initiative
  • Break down complex or ambiguous situations into manageable chunks
  • Find a coach who has strong organisational skills.

Experiment proactively with new approaches and solutions

  • Choose a small project and experiment with a new approach
  • For a challenge you face, define the worst-case scenario; list how you would address each risk
  • Find someone you perceive as a successful risk-taker and discuss your objections and concerns about a change
  • Try to view a risk associated with a change you are facing as a “win-win” situation; determine what you can learn by assuming the risk
  • Find a coach who excels at proactive experimentation.