Finding a Sanctuary

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Have you ever wished that you could just escape to a personal paradise when things get tough? Perhaps you imagine a tropical beach, or a cosy campsite in the middle of the woods. Although escapism isn’t a good plan long-term, having a mental place to escape to and regroup can be a useful tool.

To create your personal sanctuary, start by thinking of your favorite place. It can be anywhere – a tropical island, a snowy mountain, an exotic jungle… wherever you feel most relaxed and safe.

Now, use your senses to capture all the elements of your sanctuary.

  • What do you see?
  • What does it smell like?
  • What does it taste like? (For example, you may be able to taste the salt in the air by the ocean.)
  • How does it make you feel?
  • What textures do you associate with this place?
  • What sounds would you hear?

Feel free to create a physical sanctuary by writing down your observations, drawing a picture, or even tucking away a physical piece of it (like a rock or leaf) in your desk.

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