A Visit from the Boss

learning-topic Progress:

Sometimes even the best bosses have a tendency to put pressure on you when they would swear they are simply trying to help you. Words of encouragement may well feel as though they are loaded with other meanings.

To a nervous presenter a phrase like “I know you’re going to go out there and give a great presentation” seems to be silently followed with “I know this because if you don’t, I’m going to fire you at the first opportunity”. This may not be what was meant, but nervousness does not always follow a logical path.

Should your boss deliver any of the above phrases of encouragement, leave aside for the time being any other meaning that they may have had. Accept their words of encouragement, and allow your boss to see that you have prepared well for the speech, and anticipate that you may run into some opposition.

As part of your preparation, you will have included your responses to any difficulties that you anticipate. Allow them to remain at the back of your mind. If you go into a presentation on the defensive, then you will find it very hard to win the approval of your audience and may even appear paranoid.

Nervousness can be energy. If it is appropriate, you may even refer to how nervous you feel and ask the audience to be gentle with you.

The work of your presentation has already mostly been done. What you are doing now is merely its culmination, so remember that you know what you are talking about, you know what you will say, and you have every right to say it.

Suggested responses to statements from the boss

  • I know you’re going to do a great job on this presentation.
    I’m ready to go.
  • This is a very important presentation. Are you ready?
    I’ve spent a lot of time preparing. I think it will go well.
  • You might run into some strong opposition in this meeting.
    I’ve thought about the objections people might have and I’ve prepared responses.
  • Do you think you can handle this presentation?
    I know what I’m going to say and what kinds of questions people will have. I’m ready.

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