Thinking on your feet is a critical skill for any business leader when it comes to solving unexpected issues that arise on the job. This article offers six steps for thinking on your feet and solving problems while doing more with less.
1. Trust yourself and others. Learn to go with your gut and trust your ideas. Take this advice from Improvisational Comedians, If you feel your feet moving follow them! Do the same for your work colleagues.
2. Develop a yes, and mentality. Dont negate or deny ideas. Get rid of yes, but accept the information that comes to you and work with it.
3. Be in the moment. Remember to listen, watch and concentrate. You have to pay attention! Dont worry about past failures or attempts at thinking on your feet think in present-tense only.
4. Accept new ideas without judgement. See where the new idea takes you.
5. Make actional choices. In taking action, you increase your focus. Do the same in business!
6. Work to the top of your intelligence. Challenge yourself to see what you can discover. Try not to create a box that isnt there.
Try these tips and remember, be flexible, be open to the possibilities, and be ready to have fun. The next time the universe (or your boss!) drops a challenge in your lap, smile and say, Bring it on!
Copyright 2006 Red Ladder, Inc.
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