
Managing Change

Managing change in different ways

10 career change myths

Career Myth #1: You can’t make a living doing something you really, truly love This is the grand-daddy of career myths, the belief that you can’t have a “practical” career doing something that you were passionate about. It has to be one or the other. This myth is rooted in fear. Fear that we have...
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Mastering the difference between leadership and management

It is a common belief that management and leadership are the same role. While it is common that a manager also plays the part of the leader, these two roles are truly separate in function and in the way they add to the success of an orginization. By understanding the difference between management and leadership...
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Retaining confidence in the face of change at work, at home, in life……| Veronica Broomes

Change is inevitable! It is one of life’s constants –be it in our personal, professional or business journey. What is even more important in influencing our progress and progression in life is not so much how often change takes place, but our response to change –as an optimistic, pessimist or pragmatist. It is our response...
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Leading change

In today’s VUCCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world, the only constant is change. There is no industry, field, profession or organisation that I know that isn’t driving some kind of change. Looking for the competitive advantage, firms are always looking to find the new product, programme or process that will drive success. Re-organisations. New...
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Change: An inevitable and unavoidable part of life

Change is inevitable and other than death, it’s the one thing in life we can guarantee. Like it or not, things change and life as you know it changes over time – or sometimes in an instant. Despite change being unavoidable, many people find it difficult to deal with. They fight it, try to avoid...
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New course available for members: Change Management

We are pleased to announce our new learning course: Change Management. Change is a constant in many of our lives. All around us, technologies, processes, people, ideas, and methods often change, affecting the way we perform daily tasks and live our lives. This course will give any member tools to implement changes more smoothly and...
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Lead Change | Michelle Brailsford

In today’s VUCCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world, the only constant is Change. There is no industry, field, profession or organisation that I know that isn’t driving some kind of change. Looking for the competitive advantage, firms are always looking to find the new product, programme or process that will drive success. Re-organisations. New...
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The Many Faces of Change

“To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with Spring.”– George Santayana As I sit here writing on what has been prophesied as the final day of the English Summer (in mid-late October!) it seems fitting to talk about the inevitability of change. Beyond...
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10 LinkedIn Career Change Tips

By Nisa Chitakasem, Founder of Position Ignition, the UK’s leading Career Consulting Company and co-author of their 125 LinkedIn Job Search Tips eBook. If you’re changing careers, professional social network LinkedIn can be a valuable tool. Here you’ll find companies, employers, recruiters, headhunters, networkers and professionals all related to your desired career field. Make the...
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10 Ways to change careers within Your Organization

When we think about changing careers we quite often look outside of our current employer. Underneath our very noses is a chance to make a career change with less risk but it doesn’t always occur to us to do so, so here are some ideas on how we can make that change within our own...
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