Careers are getting bumpier. The speed of change in most organizations makes the traditional career pathways less obvious and sometimes blocked. Many people in employment have experienced tough times when, through organizational change, they have been side-lined, they’ve ended up with a boss they couldn’t work with, they’ve had their job reduced and possibly they’ve...Read More
Whether you’re competing for a dream role or promotion, in a team that’s competitive with other teams within the company or internally competitive, or with an employer fighting for business in a competitive sector, it can be hard to succeed in a competitive environment if you’re more of an “it’s the taking part that counts”...Read More
Hard work and loyalty will never harm your reputation within an organisation but even the most diligent and loyal of employees aren’t guaranteed to get promoted. There are many potential barriers on the road to promotion but if you identify these obstacles and develop a strategy to overcome them, you greatly improve your chances of...Read More
The argument has been well made that women need to access more opportunities on Boards as Executives, Non-Executive Directors and Trustees – to bring balance and new thinking. It is also well accepted that having a broader experience by being on a Board externally, will help women change the perception of their colleagues internally. So...Read More
It’s exciting when you get the opportunity to be a manager or leader for the first time. Often we have yearned for the opportunity to be a boss but as we come towards that opportunity we sometimes gulp at the thought of the responsibilities that we’re about to take on. Think about what you’re about...Read More
Did you know that how you feel about money will have a positive or negative affect on your business success? Growing up did money come easily to you or do you have to work hard for it all the time? Were you given pocket money as a child whilst your friends did a paper round...Read More
“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” What is enthusiasm? Enthusiasm is contagious. It’s about getting excited and showing you are passionate. Enthusiasm is one of those things that you know when you see it and other people know when you have it. During an interview enthusiasm comes through in...Read More
What kind of leader are you? You’ll never guess where the answer lies, says uevolve career coach Lucinda Harlow I do love a good quiz. A cup of coffee and a glossy mag promising to reveal and I’m off. I cheat of course. We do, don’t we? I mean, I know what ‘type’ I want...Read More
One of the struggles facing professional women is trying to succeed both at the office and as a parent. Both are full-time, challenging jobs that require a great deal of patience and inventiveness. Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer and author of the book, “Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead” takes a...Read More
According to Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, one of the key factors that is vital for anyone to achieve their goals, is persistence. It is easy to be motivated and get things done when you are excited, however when faced with an obstacle or challenge, that same excitement can quickly fade. When...Read More