Let’s face it! Many people just seem to have great difficulty in saying ‘no’ or denying any favor asked from them. As a result, they often find themselves trapped in the middle of nowhere because of their own hastened decision or acceptance of an unfavorable task – just because at one particular point in their...Read More
Public speaking is an art of delivering a speech in front of an audience. Speaking in front of a group takes a lot of courage and preparation. You need skills to be a good public speaker. Below are 10 characteristics of a good public speaker. 1. Knowledge. It is important that you know what you...Read More
Every meeting provides an opportunity to learn important things about the people who attend. Here’s what to watch for: > Is it planned? Effective leaders always begin with clearly defined goals and then prepare plans for achieving them. They have the courage to set a direction and then make changes as new information becomes available....Read More
“How do I get good people to listen to me?” When’s the last time you asked yourself that? Part of the reason marketers everywhere have such a tough time getting people to listen to them is because their audiences (i.e., us) don’t believe them entirely. So how can they become an opinion leader? Problema…...Read More
If you are planning to build a admirable career, maybe you should go through some basic training. Nowadays, there are actual acknowledged administration programs actuality developed. Leadership programs will advice you to access some actual all-important skills. Administration programs will accord you the bare ability to accomplish the best both in your career aswell as...Read More
At the age of 36, Michael Abrashoff was selected to become Commander of the USS Benfold – at the time, the most junior commanding officer in the Pacific Fleet. The immediate challenges that faced him were staggering: Exceptionally low morale with unacceptably high turnover. Few thought that this ship could improve. In many ways, the...Read More
I hear four questions asked about leadership often. This article gives a short answer to each of these important questions. Why Does Leadership Matter? Parents universally hope that their children develop leadership qualities. They know that leaders are people who are effective in what they do, are respected by others, and typically rewarded for those...Read More
I bet you have had times when you have walked into a shop and felt immediately welcome. I’m also pretty sure that youíve had occasions where you’ve felt just the opposite. What was the difference? What happened in the place that created that welcome feeling within you? Maybe the assistant noticed you entering and offered...Read More
“The winds and waves are always on the side of the best navigators.” – Edward Gibbon, English Historian Leaders look beyond the current situation; beyond what is to what could be. That’s why leadership is all about change. It’s why leadership is action, not a position. Growing our leadership is also a dynamic process. It...Read More
We want to grab your attention to this article on leadership. It not only is interesting, but also has loads about leadership. In Part One, I described the Leadership Talk and how it is a much more effective leadership tool than presentations or speeches. I also described two fundamental premises that the Leadership Talk is...Read More