

Forge ahead in 2017 by networking the right way | Lady Val

… but what if you’re shy … or introvert or hate networking? Here are some tips that work. I started my networking group eight years ago with 30 women. Last month we had 87. Back then there were precious few women-only networks. Now there are dozens. So you have quite a choice.  And the best of...
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How to bring originality to business ideas

Want to create original business ideas? It’s easier than you think once you understand a few simple but powerful techniques. If you are immersed in the world of internet marketing, you have probably heard many times the advice: don’t re-invent the wheel, follow someone successful. But simply copying a business idea is sloppy and might...
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Thinking on your feet

Six tips for thinking on your feet

Thinking on your feet is a critical skill for any business leader when it comes to solving unexpected issues that arise on the job. This article offers six steps for thinking on your feet and solving problems while doing more with less.    1. Trust yourself and others. Learn to go with your gut and trust...
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Firing someone: Does it have to be painful, for them and you?

Ever had to fire someone? How did it go? Chances are, that if you are a manager you will have to fire someone during your career. Some employers never give the courtesy of a face to face discussion. Many managers, when faced with the challenge of firing someone, forget, or are unaware of the emotions...
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Stress management

Facing your daily stresses and anxieties in the business world

Everybody deals with anxieties and stresses in the business world. As a result, here is a list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their daily stresses and anxieties in the business world.   Sometimes, we get stressed when everything happens all at once. When this happens a person should: Take a deep...
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Dealing with difficult people: 27 secrets and strategies you can apply today

Here are 27 easy, proven strategies for dealing with difficult people. Guaranteed to work if you look at the part you can control – you! Discover simple tips for how to deal with gossips, whiners, know-it-all’s, exploders and more. Whether it’s dealing with a difficult boss, dealing with a difficult co-worker or difficult spouse, these...
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Change your career and change your life by starting your own business

Most aspiring entrepreneurs don’t realise is that the skill set necessary to start a business isn’t out of reach. It’s simply a matter of finding the right tools and using them to your best advantage. Even if you’re not a born entrepreneur, at some point in your life you’ve probably toyed with the idea of...
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Body language

Body language speaks louder than words

Improve your personal and business relationships by being aware of the unintended cues and signals your body language may be sending others.   Has it ever occurred to you how much you are saying to people even when you are not speaking? Unless you are a master of disguise, you are constantly sending messages about your...
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Are you unique?

Discover your own unique selling proposition and what makes your business unique. I want you to ask yourself a question regarding your business… Are you unique? And what is unique about you or your business? This unique thing about your business is what marketers refer to as your unique selling proposition, or USP. Your unique...
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The impact of lacking self-esteem on business professionals

Many business people suffer from diminished self-esteem. This highly affects their effectivity. Discover how to solve this problem so your efforts in a business setting will drastically improve and thus you’ll make infinitely more money!   Studies show that at least 85 per cent or more of the world’s people suffer from some degree of lacking...
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