For most people, the mere thought of speaking before an audience causes menís hands to go clammy and their hearts to pound like a kettledrum. Statistics show that people fear public speaking more than they do their own deaths. It shows that for the majority, people would rather die in silence than take a chance...Read More
Ben, a high-level leader in a multi-national firm, recently confessed that he felt like a bad father. That weekend he had messed up his Saturday daddy duties. When he took his son to soccer practice, Ben stayed for a while to support him. In the process, though, he forgot to take his daughter to her...Read More
Some say your JOB because they pay you a salary or hourly wage and offer (or do not offer) benefits, perks, etc. Some say the vehicle you drive, the house you live in, the neighborhood you live, your friends, your clothes, where you hang out, and on and on. You have natural talents or skills,...Read More
A team does as well as you and the team think they can. This idea is known as ‘the self-fulfilling prophecy’. When you believe the team will perform well, in some strange, magical way they do. And similarly, when you believe they won’t perform well, they don’t. There is enough experimental data to suggest that...Read More
A friend told me about a conflict she was having with her next door neighbor. Due to a misunderstanding the neighbor was pretty upset, so much so that when they passed on the street and my friend said hello and reached out to shake his hand, he withdrew it, avoided eye contact, muttered a monotone...Read More
Fear of speaking in public is number one in the list of “phobias” which Americans have. Phobia is defined as a persistent or intense fear of a certain object, activity or situation. Fear of public speaking is one type of social phobia which is often associated or developed through a person’s adolescence. How would you...Read More
If you are planning to build a admirable career, maybe you should go through some basic training. Nowadays, there are actual acknowledged administration programs actuality developed. Leadership programs will advice you to access some actual all-important skills. Administration programs will accord you the bare ability to accomplish the best both in your career aswell as...Read More
At the age of 36, Michael Abrashoff was selected to become Commander of the USS Benfold – at the time, the most junior commanding officer in the Pacific Fleet. The immediate challenges that faced him were staggering: Exceptionally low morale with unacceptably high turnover. Few thought that this ship could improve. In many ways, the...Read More
For 15 years I’ve taught trainers and leaders and instructional designers the importance of making any learning event more fun. Iíve given them reasons and ways to do it. I’ve written about it many times including. All of the things I have taught and techniques I have used are valuable and helpful. And they aren’t...Read More
When to start your own business? Q: After working at one company for 10 years, I would like to begin my own business. What issues do I need to consider, and how do I know when it is the right time to take the ‘big step?’ A: Almost 20 years ago, my roommate asked me...Read More