Looking To Move Internally? – Chilli Pepper Career Blog

Many employees feel that the only way to secure new challenges and promotions is to leave their existing employer. Why?
  • In most cases the best opportunities are often accessible internally with the same company.
  • When moving externally to a new role applicants are likely to be offered a similar role that utilises their existing skills and experience.  It’s rare to secure a completely new challenge.
  • When making an external move the individual has to start building their reputation over again.

In my opinion the external move should be the last resort when other factors remain the same.

Within today’s market more employers are identifying applicants internally as opposed to reaching out to the external market. Firstly it’s cheaper and secondly they have the talent sitting within the company, individuals who understand the systems, the environment and what is expected from them.

There is no doubt the competition for new opportunities is fierce and this is no different for those who are looking to move internally, it always amazes me as to how many internal applicants do not treat the process in the same way as attending an external interview.

Some common mistakes that internal applicants make include:
  • Internal applicants tend to pay less attention to the content and presentation of their CV assuming that because they already work for the firm the interviewer will know about their experience.
  • Internal applicants are renowned for assuming that they have a good chance of a job offer just because they’re already working for the company. They often forget that they need to prepare and practise in the same way as they would for any external interview.
  • Internal applicants can be known to hold back on information with regards to their skills and experience, hence reducing their chances of securing the role.  They can often feel awkward when selling themselves to someone that they already know or have perhaps worked alongside in the past.
  • Internal applicants forget to ‘follow up’ partly because they do not have a recruitment agency calling them for their feedback but also because they feel it’s not necessary.
Important points to remember
  • Dress to impress regardless of dress policies within the organisation. Make an effort and show that you’re interested.
  • Utilise your contacts by networking internally, speak to your peers within that team and find out more about the work involved and the person who will be interviewing you. What does the Manager expect from the team? Where can you add value to the department?
  • Ask questions that show you are interested and send a thank you email regardless to how well you know the person.
  • And lastly, be enthusiastic and don’t be afraid to ask for the job if that’s what you want!

“Advising you on every aspect of the job seeking process guiding you step by step whether you are looking to move internally or externally.”

A Corporate Mentor for the ‘Internal Job Market’ who offers employees an edge over their internal and/or external competition. With over 15 years’ experience, Nikki educates professional people to build on their personal brand, to sell themselves in the content of their CV and interview technique and to overcome personal barriers to fully recognise their strengths and achievements.


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