This week I treated myself to a visit to my local bookstore. Honestly, it’s like stepping back in time. The pace of life slows. People know your name and can even recommend books that you’ll like – heaven! The passion for paper-turning is infectious. Ok and yes – I definitely do feel a certain smugness in the ‘going local’ thing rather than my habitual ‘one click’ purchases.
Looking forward to the next recommendation I was floored that the 5:2 dieting recipe book was their best seller.
Really, out of all the books to choose from this was top dog? Fasting kind of infers not eating, right?
So, SO wrong as it happens. Rather than scoff (well ok, maybe I allowed myself a small outburst) I decided to take a closer look. Anyone that can make millions in selling a recipe book on ‘nil by mouth’ is without a doubt the modern Houdini!
One thing is for certain; the 5:2 diet has become an overnight sensation. Large, hold-it-in pants are being filed under B as eyes turn to teeny tops and skinny jeans.
But why has it been such a sensation?
Well, it’s really do-able. The rules are simple. The Benefits are crystal clear. It’s uber healthy for you long term. And, wait for it… that seven-day slog is now a mere two.
Hmm not sounding bad is it? No more weekends of enviously watching friends chow down on a large plate of chips. Do your two days and you can nibble on a chip – hell you can even have cheese on them with no adverse blubber.
So how can you apply 5:2 success to your career?
My skinny on the 5:2 career gain:
- Know what you want
- Break this down into easy steps
- Be honest about the stuff that tempts you
- For every five days work, block out a mere two hours to actively pursue your career goals
- Get on your career scales every week and weigh up your action and results
- Get your friends and colleagues doing the same and share your success
- Relax on your free days and get on with doing your current role really well
Plot your success then sit back with a large bowl of M&Ms and yes, you can feel a little holier-than-thou!