Six exercises in innovative thinking

Becoming an innovative thinker is actually a fun process. You are going to be able to let yourself let go and think freely and creatively.

innovative thinkingYou will be able to ignore all the rules of logic and just think whatever and however you want.

Deriving ideas and inventions from innovative thinking involves first getting your brain on board with the task.

In order to do that you will need to do some exercises in innovative thinking.

These exercises can help you to get your mind thinking in an innovative way rather then as do on a regular daily basis.

Exercise 1: Day dreaming

We have all, at some point in our life day dreamed. It should not be too hard for you to come up with a day dream. Everyone wishes they could fulfill their goals and live their dreams, so go ahead and do it. Just take some time to relax and day dream about a life you wish you had or day dream about somewhere you would like to go.

If you really want to be creative record your day dreaming and talk about what you are seeing. This will allow you to go back and remember the day dreaming exercise. You may even be able to get some ideas form it later on.

Day dreaming just allows your mind to forget the reasonable and forget the average day to day life. It allows you to imagine and think about the possibilities.

Exercise 2: Free write

Free writing is where you just sit down with a blank sheet of paper and write whatever comes into your mind. You do not worry about grammar or anything. You just put the words on the page as they enter your mind.

When you first try free writing you will likely see that your logical thinking is hard to turn off. You may write about nothing creative at all. That is fine. As you get into the exercise you will be able to come up with more creative things. It is not about creating a story or making any sense. It is about learning how your mind works.

When you are finished with your free writing exercise, read over what you wrote. Look for anything that you could expand upon. If you have some good ideas, then take them out and consider free writing on that particular topic.

Exercise 3: Play with clay

This is similar to free writing. Instead, though, you are going to be shaping and molding a piece of clay. Just let yourself get lost in the clay. Look at its color, feel its texture, smell its smell. Let yourself mold it and shape it however you are led to do.

This is a great way to distress. Playing with clay is relaxing and it is something you can do easily. It does not require any thinking at all, actually. It allows your mind to turn off and rest, which is great when you are trying to work it hard to be innovative.

Exercise 4: Spend a day with children

Children are the best innovative thinkers. As we grown up we tend to lose that wonder and amazement for life that drives innovative thinking. Spending a day with children can help you get back to that mind set and allow yourself to open your mind to innovative thoughts.

Children will give you so many ideas and they will bring out the child in you. Spending time with them will allow you to remember what you were like at that age. You will be quicker to be able to remember how you looked at the world and how full of wonder you were.

Exercise 5: Do something new

You can try something you have never done before or try something that scares you to death. Trying something new opens you to new experiences where you can learn a lot about yourself and the world around you.

Doing something new can even involve just learning about a different part of the world or it could be as dramatic as jumping out of a plane. Do whatever your mind leads you to.

Doing something new will stimulate your brain in many ways. You will be full of excitement and you will be learning at the same time. You will stimulate your brain to release triggers that can help spark creativity.

Exercise 6: Learn a musical instrument

Playing music allows your brain to use the part of it that is responsible for creativity. This will open up the ability for your mind to go ore easily into the mode needed for innovative thinking.

You can learn an instrument or even try out singing. Just do something that will stimulate the creative sections of your brain and help get them warmed up so you can begin thinking creatively.

These exercises can do a lot to help you learn how to be an innovative thinking. You can try them all or only a few. It is up to you. Let yourself try out fun things, like these exercises. Make time to do things like this. You have to do things like these exercises in order to allow yourself to learn to be a creative and innovative thinker.

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